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Neutralizer Rentals – Passaic Bergen Water Softening Has You Covered

Many people are unaware that renting a neutralizer is a viable option to owning. Especially when you consider that Passaic Bergen Water Softening offers an affordable “rent with an option to own” plan. Just rent your neutralizer and for one year 100% of your rental payments and installation costs will go towards the purchase of the unit. It’s that simple.

Yet not every person who rents desires to own their neutralizer some day. In fact, many long-term renters like the idea of a low fixed monthly payment that never changes for as long as they rent their system. Many people prefer worry-free labor and repairs for the life of the rental. Others choose to rent because they don’t plan on living in their present home for more than a few years.

Whether you rent to own or prefer a straight rental, there are four excellent reasons why renting a neutralizer might make more sense for you:
1) There’s no large upfront expense for the purchase of your unit;
2) Your only additional expense is a calcite refill, average once a year*;
3) There’s no charge for labor and repairs; and
4) Free 24 hour-a-day, seven day-a-week emergency service and often same-day service for normal service calls on all of our rental equipment.

Discover the Benefits of Renting from Passaic Bergen Water Softening:

Discover the Benefits of Renting from Passaic Bergen Water Softening:

24/7 Emergency Service

Low monthly rate makes it easily affordable

Free labor and repairs

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Rent to own or rent month-to-month. It's your call

We also rent the following equipment:

Discuss renting versus owning with a Passaic Bergen Water Softening representative. We’ll be happy to help you decide which option makes the most sense for you.

*The time frame listed is “on average”. Actual maintenance will depend on your water quality and water usage.



Wyckoff NJ

537 Goffle Rd
Wyckoff, 07481


Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

Newfoundland NJ

2850 Route 23 North
Newfoundland, 07435


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday: 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM-6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

Wayne NJ

2025 Suite B, Hamburg Turnpike, Wayne, NJ 07470


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday: 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
This office isn’t open on Saturday as it is not a retail location.