What is Iron Water?
Iron water is easy to detect. It may leave iron stains on sinks, clothing and linens, or it can form scale in pipes and water-using appliances that make your water look and smell bad. A Passaic Bergen Water Softening water-testing professional can determine how much iron is present in your water and which type of iron it is. For example, there is:
- Clear water iron – water is clear when drawn from the tap but turns red after standing for a time as the iron mixes with the air and oxidizes.
- Red water iron – water is red when drawn from the tap. The iron has already oxidized in the ground, well, or water system.
Remedy: Small amounts of clear water iron can be corrected by a water softener. Red water iron and larger amounts of clear water iron can be controlled by running the water through a filter containing an oxygen-rich mineral/environment. The iron is then oxidized into solid particles that can be trapped in the filter and washed down the drain.