Home Water Purifier Tips for Seasonal Storms and Outages
A home water purifier is an incredibly valuable installation, ensuring that the tap water for your entire home is clean and safe to drink. Any home with a purifier installed is healthier and more enjoyable to live in. However, because the water purifier is an appliance, it may not work during storms and power outages. When seasonal storms roll around this year, you want to be ready with clean water and a plan to keep your water purifier in good condition.
Today, we’re here to share a few tips on maintaining your home’s water purifier and water quality during a storm.
1) Before a Storm, Stock Up on Purified Tap Water
One of the benefits of purified water is never having to buy bottled water. The water from your taps can be bottled or stored in the bathtub to extend your access to clean and fresh water during a storm. When you get confirmation that a serious storm will be passing over your neighborhood, stock up on tap water. Fill the bathtub and any water containers you can find in the house to ensure continual access to clean water.
Stocking up on purified water is smart because you are protected from both power outages and water interruptions. If the power goes out, your purifier (and water heater) stop working in that moment. And certain storm events can cause water to be interrupted as well. A supply of clean water will keep your family safe and hydrated through the potential trouble ahead.
2) Close Shutoff Valve During a Storm
If it looks like you’ll have power or water outages, you’ll want to turn off the water purifier valve. Find your water purifier appliance and locate the main shutoff valve. This is the valve that prevents water from draining out of the water purifier into drains or home pipes. It will also stop your home’s water system, most likely, and help to prevent air pockets in the pipes when the power comes back on again.
3) Turn Off Pump Breaker During a Power Outage
Power outages are not reliable occurrences. Not only are they interruptions to your home’s access to electricity, but they can also return with a bang. Power surges are reasonably common, especially on a small scale, when power is returned to a home. You may want to protect your water purifier from taking damage during a power surge when the electricity returns. To do this, simply flip the breaker that powers the water purifier. This will disconnect it from household power and ensure no power surge when you manually restore power after electricity comes back to the house.
You may also want to take this step with water softeners and water heaters, which are also electric water appliances that can be damaged during or after a storm.
4) Perform a Maintenance Check After Each Storm
When a storm has come and gone, or power has been restored to your home, it’s time to do a quick check of your water purification systems. Take a quick look or ask a water care professional to inspect your water purifier. Ensure that everything looks and appears to function correctly when you restore power to the appliance.
You will also want to test the quality of your water when there has been an interruption in water purification for the home. A quick water test can tell you whether your tap water is as safe and clean as always or if it was contaminated during storm outages. Be sure to let a gallon or two of water flow out of the pipes before collecting water for a test, to get new water for testing.
A water purifier is a great addition to your home, especially if you know how to keep it in top condition. With these tips, you can ensure that your home’s water is purified no matter what the weather has in store. Contact us for more information on home water purification.