Hot Water Heater Vlog
What happens when you turn on the hot water faucet in your home and notice a banging, popping sound coming from your hot water basement? There’s a problem developing. Don’t panic – yet!
The first thing is to understand what is happening. If you have hard water, the sediment from the calcium and magnesium build up is most likely caked up at the bottom of your hot water heater. The popping and/or banging sound is the water boiling and bubbling and pushing up through the sediment.
While we advise not to panic ‘yet’, it’s important to understand that as time goes by, the sediment grows. The events that follow are that the sediment weighs down your hot water heater until the bottom becomes so heavy, it literally lets go and floods your basement with water. Not only is it a mess, it leaves you without hot water until you can have your heater replaced.
The ideal way to avoid having this awful thing happen to your home, is to consider installing a water softening system for your home. The softened water will prevent calcium and magnesium build up. Call today for a free water test. 800-955-8476.